Monochrome means one color, and monochrome works of art utilize various tints, shades & tones of just one hue. Whether we are viewing it or making it, monochrome art may allow us to focus in on the possibilities of a single color, and on the other elements of the artwork, like line, shape, form, space, and texture.

To explore monochrome art with young children, invite them to choose one color as a class, provide them with materials in that color, and allow them to freely explore.

Example Materials for Blue (adjust for safety by age):

  • heavy white paper
  • a brush or two per child
  • blue liquid watercolor
  • blue tempera paint (tinted with white by you or by the children) and/or…
  • blue tempera paint (shaded with black by you or by the children)
  • white glue (with an optional drop of blue liquid watercolor)
  • in variations of blue, collage materials that can be ripped, like tissue paper or lightweight construction paper
  • for children using scissors, blue collage materials that can be cut

further reading & examples: Monochrome (, The Monochrome: A History of Simplicity in Painting (Artland Magazine)