Song For A Goldfish
On a recent morning at our house, an article in the NY Times about giant, invasive goldfish in Australia turned out to be compelling read-aloud material for our whole multi-aged crew (toddlers, teenager, adults). Because this news story so captured our imaginations–and because Fall PLAY music happens to include a goldfish song–today we begin a whole week of music and art dedicated to goldfish, big and small. Below you may discover activities besides the ones you already frequent at PLAY. Like the feral goldfish, we hope you’ll be inspired to “feed broadly.”
Anne & James
Messy Mixed Media: Giant Cardboard Fish
This week in Messy Mixed Media, all the classes are working together to build a giant cardboard fish and embellish it with recycled materials. We’ll also be reading Swimmy by Leo Lionni, and exploring techniques used in Lionni’s illustrations.
PLAY music: “Clementine, The Fish That Was”
We’ll be waltzing to “Clementine, The Fish That Was” in PLAY music classes this week. Our adaptation of the traditional “Oh My Darling Clementine” is about a situation many families face–the death of a pet. It’s also a great song for scarf dancing or a parachute activity
You can stream a rotating list of favorite PLAY music recordings SoundCloud.
(For more on the “dead-pet problem,” read Adam Gopnik’s essay, “Death Of A Fish.”)
Messy Art: Yellow and Red make Orange
Drop-in painting is a great time to explore color mixing. This week we’ll be discovering orange, and adding some goldfish stamps to the mix. Toddlers to five; drop-in. Complete info is here.
Mon. 10-12
Tues. 10-12
Fri. 10:45-12
Sat. 10:45-12
Stories & Art: A Fish Out Of Water
This Thursday, Jasmine will be reading Helen Palmer’s and P.D. Eastman’s classic tale of a boy who fed a fish too much, followed by art time inspired by the book. Arrive by 10am to catch the story reading. Toddlers to five; drop-in. Complete info is here.
Every Thursday, 10-11:30