NEW: You can now book 1 to 4 visits up to a month ahead for in-person Messy Art (ages 2-6), and frequent visitors get a discount. Please visit the SCHEDULE & WHAT TO EXPECT pages for details and to book your spot.

Messy Mixed Media, in-person, session-based art classes for ages 3-5, began 6/14, but it’s not too late to join us. Choose a class from the SCHEDULE and ENROLL with prorated tuition, or contact us to book a private class at PLAY for your group of four children. Complete info is HERE.

Summer ’21 PLAY @ Home is just getting started, and you can join this week with prorated tuition. Click to view the SCHEDULE and REGISTRATION INFO, and to ENROLL. Want to try a class? Schedule a demo.

Our Mid Wilshire space is open for limited hours by appointment for art & curbside retail. Please join our mailing list for updates. ❤️

Dear Parents,


We want to let you know what we are doing at PLAY to take extra precautions due to the potential spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Please know that we are watching this situation carefully, and we will take whatever action is necessary and in the best interest of the children.

Please contact us with your questions and suggestions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this time.

Anne & James

For up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control:

Our illness policy: As always, we ask that all children and adults with new, ongoing, or lingering symptoms of illness not visit our space until they are well. We have noticed and greatly appreciated how carefully everyone has been abiding by this rule, not just recently but in general, and throughout the flu season. Not bringing illness into our shared spaces is the most important thing we can do as a community of parents. In the increasingly rare instance when someone brings an ill child (or adult) into our space, we are more than willing to enforce our policy and ask them to leave. We and our staff are being extra vigilant now when it comes to noticing these issues; however, if you see something that concerns you while at PLAY, we ask you to please let us know immediately.

We know that lately many of you, in abundance of caution, have been taking extra time away from class when you or your children are recovering from common illnesses to make sure that you are 100% symptom free before returning. Again, we greatly appreciate this, and we will do our best to accommodate you for make-up classes at a later date.

Hand sanitizer: You will now find hand sanitizer available to you in all three of our rooms at PLAY (music room, art room & community area). If you’ve read about disease transmission, not just that of the coronavirus but of other, more common illnesses, you know that hand sanitizer can not replace frequent, thorough hand washing.

Cleaning of Toys and Instruments: For the time being, we have switched from our regular vinegar-based solution for cleaning toys and instruments to a bleach-based solution. We have always taken pride in keeping our toys, instruments, and our space very clean. As usual, all of our toys are being cleaned 1-2 times a day (depending on the length of the day), and our music teachers do daily cleaning of the instruments in the music room. In the music room, and now also in the community area behind the desk, we have a bin for collecting for extra cleaning any toys that your child has put in his or her mouth.

General Cleaning: You’ve probably seen us cleaning many surfaces at PLAY with white towels (which we launder with bleach and extra hot water after use). For many cleaning jobs, we have switched to disposable Clorox wipes. This is so our staff can more frequently and easily wipe down high-touch surfaces, like doorknobs, tables, chairs, and touch screens.

Our Staff: All of our staff members at PLAY understand that they should never come to work if they are experiencing symptoms of an illness. We usually have staff to cover classes in the event of a teacher’s illness, and in cases when we don’t, we cancel the class and schedule a make-up at a later date.