A Bug’s-Eye View
Do you remember your own childhood fascination with bugs? Get low to the ground with your kids, as they watch their first trails of ants march by, and it’s easy to recall the questions and thoughts that tiny creatures first evoke.
For our “bug’s-eye view” week, we take inspiration from Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem, “The Little Land,” from his 1885 book of poetry for children, A Child’s Garden of Verses. We read an excerpt of “The Little Land” in pink session PLAY music, but this week the creatures of Stevenson’s poem are creeping into the art room too.
Complete info on this week’s activities is below.
Hope to see you at PLAY–

Stories & Art: “The Little Land”
This Thursday, Rebecca will be reading PLAY’s illustrated excerpt of Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem, “The Little Land,” followed by art time inspired by Vivian S. Chen’s collage illustrations. Arrive by 10am to catch the reading. Toddlers to five; drop-in. Complete info is here.
Every Thursday, 10-11:30

Messy Mixed Media: Big Bugs
The 2- to 5-year-olds in our session-based art program, Messy Mixed Media, are in the middle of three weeks of bug-themed projects, including a sensory exploration with shaving cream, paint, and dough, bug collage, and a garden installation with wearable art.
A new session of Messy Mixed Media begins April 2nd. Enroll online, or add the class to your Spring PLAY music enrollment at the combo rate.
(To see how our bug-themed projects shape up, follow us on Instagram.)

PLAY music: Pink Session is Crawling with Bugs
In PLAY music classes this week, we’ll be singing our pink session bug songs: “Ladybug” by Willie Aron, “The Ants Go Marching,” and “La Araña Pequeñita.”
You can stream a rotating list of favorite PLAY music recordings (including “La Araña Pequeñita”) on SoundCloud.
Not enrolled in PLAY music yet? Join us for spring session. If you’re brand new to our music & movement curriculum, you can also book a demo class.

Messy Art: Rainbow Bugs
During Messy Art hours this week, see how many colors you can paint on one of our bug stamps, or make tiny footprints on your paper with a giant plastic bug. Toddlers to five; drop-in. Complete info on drop-in art is here.
Mon. 10-12
Tues. 10-12
Fri. 10:45-12
Sat. 10:45-12